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To: "Mark Creamer" <mcreamer@cinci.rr.com>,
Subject: Appraisals
From: "John Phillips" <TR6@vigoris.net>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 21:24:11 -0600

As a past president of our local Triumph club I can tell you that an
appraisal by a club president is usually acceptable to an Insurance Company.
An alternative is a respectable repair shop that specializes in Triumphs.

Another alternative is to check with Hagerty Insurance Co.  Once you and the
Co. agree on value, they insure it full coverage, no deductible, no mileage
limit for about $120 per year in Oklahoma.  The only catch is the TR6 must
be a second car, not your primary driver.

John Phillips, Claremore, OK
Green Country Triumphs & Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
76 TR6 CF51655   89 XJS Convertible

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