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RE: Appraisal

To: 6Pack List <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Appraisal
From: Gernot von Hoegen <avac@totalise.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 11:07:50 +0000
>===== Original Message From "Couzelis,William M.(NXI)" 
<William.Couzelis@CNA.com> =====
>I just paid for an appraisal.  They did a professional job and it is nice to
>have the documentation.  They basically asked me what I wanted the amount to
>be.  In my case I choose $10,000 with no problems.
>'71 TR-6

well, wouldn't trust anyone who does that.
We do professional evaluations for classic cars. The evaluations are based 
upon the categories given by various price guides. Some are accepted, some are 
not so it depends on the guide as well. A proper evaluation always includes a 
reasonably thorough inspection. We usually ask if the evaluation is for 
insurance purposes in which case the evaulation is slightly higher since 
insurances always deduct a certain amount however low you evaluate. Our price 
for an evaluation starts from 30 ukp aka 100 DM and ends at about 70 ukp aka 
300 DM depending on the work involved.


............Gernot von Hoegen................
---------------- A V A C --------------------
  Sachverständige für das Kraftfahrzeugwesen
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               52072 Aachen
Tel. (0044) 0241/159406 Fax (0044) 0241/159972
        Mobil (0044) 0171/5283280
Website http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/1048

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