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Por 15

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Por 15
From: TR6me@cs.com
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 21:28:18 EDT
I recently acquired a 72 tr6 that has a great frame under it. the engine 
drive train and interior are also out of the car. I figured this would be a 
good time to do some preventive maintenance. I plan to lift the body off the 
frame. my first question is, are there any reinforcement needed to keep the 
body straight and gaps good. Second is, I plane to clean the frame and coat 
it with POR15,  and under coat the body tub with some type of undercoating. 
Any recommendations on using the por 15 and it;s application. 


Mark Johnson
72 and 72 tr6

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