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Re: passenger side mirror visabiltiy

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: passenger side mirror visabiltiy
From: ingate@horizon.com
Date: 7 Sep 2000 23:53:54 -0000
Bob Pierson wrote:
        > Should the driver be able to see out of
        > the passenger side bullet mirror?

Hahahahahahahaha *crash* [sound of a person falling out of chair onto the 

*Ahem* So sorry.  Levity aside, I had the same problem.  To be honest, 
these mirrors are just cosmetic, so I glued a convex mirror (avaialable
at any car parts store) onto it, and the mirrors are now usable.  

Shane Ingate
"Objects in mirror are receding faster than usual"
Melbourne, Florida

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