Bernard---You asked if the 02 sensor cooled off enough when the engine
is idling to give no reading. It might, in very cold temperature, but
not likely. Once the sensor heats up (which takes about 5 minutes if
idling, or about a minute of driving) it should stay in the sensing mode
for you. Your position of 6-8" from the manifold flange joint is about
right for this. It sounds like you are only going to use one sensor. If
you are using the double down pipe, you will basically be reading only
about half of the fuel/air mix. However, if you are going to be running
only one carburetor, one sensor will do the job. Other listers are about
to join you in the installation of an 02 sensor. Peter? Matt?
You didn't say if you were to include an air/fuel monitor with the usual
digital readout, but this is the way to go. It's nice to know what the
mix is under all road and rpm conditions.
With many to choose from, The Halmeter is supposed to be a good medium
priced unit. About $250 from Moss Motors. K&N makes a decent one for
about $150, complete. Good, less expensive ones can be made from
different parts, depending on your tools and skills in this area.
Dick Taylor
L.A., Calif.