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Re: Vixen Paint??

Subject: Re: Vixen Paint??
From: Rolf Beuttenmuller <>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 10:16:04 -0400
Regarding this painting thing. I just went through this.
I have had my car for 30 years and it had a couple of cronic blisters even after
complete (so I thought ) strippings. I finally decided to have the car plastic
beaded. What a mess If not done carefully, it WILL do major damage. The good 
was that I found someone that was very good and it seems to have found the cause
for many cracks and problems. Lenny at Coachworks got he job of cleaning up and
re-glassing parts of the car. The paint is now beautiful, my opinion. The whole
process was not cheap.
At the time I did not have a garage so I farmed out the work.If I were to do it
now I would do it the old fashioned way.

Over all I still thing if the body is in good shape I would sand it down to the
original gell. I have a compressor and bought a longboard sander and a jitter 
both a very worthwhile investment.

Rolf 1970 Vixen S2

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