Hi Randall
Not so Humble Eh?
I will agree with the fact that there are always going to be people like
Herman, I tend to count these people out as often their price is enough to
stop a lot of people using them. I was making a general point about general
reconditioners, those between Herman and the paint brush reconditioned type!
I guess I have grown accustomed to doing my own rebuilds including diffs, as
I am a toolmaker (now redundant!) and an eye for detail and accuracy and a
belief in myself as an engineer being better than most, (though always
willing to learn from an expert and or the mistakes of others) means I
forget others may miss details, and not be able to figure the little missing
bits from the manuals as easy as I can. Also I have tended to spend quite a
lot of time around people who have worked on these cars and learned a lot of
tricks from earwigged conversations.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Randall Young"
Subject: RE: TR3 transmission rebuild
> Graham, I am going to disagree with you here ... even though I have
> (successfully) done my own, Herman showed me several little things to
> for that are not mentioned in the book ... and one of them was wrong on my
> transmission. Took a special spacer to fix it ... Herman has the
> and stock to make them while I don't. This very likely explains why my
> rebuild only lasted 50K or so; I expect Herman's to go 150K+
> He also has the experience to know when the parts supplied by the "big 3"
> are marginal (like synchro rings and some bearings), and has developed his
> own sources of quality parts.
> IMNSHO of course :)
> Randall
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