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RE: UPDATE: Overheated TR6... CRUNCH! GRIND!

To: "triumph list" <>
Subject: RE: UPDATE: Overheated TR6... CRUNCH! GRIND!
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 07:04:02 -0700
> Most ppl thought it would only be the water pump.

IMO they were just hoping (for your sake) that was all it was.
Unfortunately the most like scenario (IMO) is that the pistons overheated,
got too big for the bores, and seized to the cylinder walls.  As a quick
check, pull the spark plugs out and check them for contamination.

At this point you aren't likely to make the damage any worse by trying to
start the engine briefly.  I suspect that as soon as you do, the
crunching/grinding will become most evident.  Time to start pulling the
engine and hoping it can be saved.

> I just read in my Haynes manual (I know, not the best
> but all I have) that: "Water/Steam being forced down
> the radiator overflow pipe under pressure" (as was my
> case) is a sign of a cracked cylinder head.  But a
> quick visual inspection of the head seal area didn't
> show any 'apparent' signs of a leak.

It's possible that was the cause of your overheating, and head cracks are
not usually visible from outside.  But there are lots of other things that
could've caused it too.

> My biggest concern is the crunching/grinding noise I
> heard at low revs while it was overheating.

I hate to say it, but continuing to drive with no water in the block does
usually turn a small problem into a very large one.


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