> I took the fuel pump out and replaced it this afternoon but could see no
> apparent leak.
Darryl :
You need to get pressure on the diaphragm to see the leak. To do this
on the bench, plug up the pump outlet (I found a flare tubing plug that
worked), and then either run a line from the inlet to a small can of
gas, or else hold it with the inlet up and dribble gas directly into the
inlet. Then work the operating lever to pump up pressure. You should
be able to feel the difference when it builds pressure. Wait a few
seconds and try again. If the pressure has gone down, and you don't see
any external leaks, then either the inlet valve is leaking, or the
diaphragm is. It may take several tries before you actually see the gas
running out of the crankcase opening.
> Is there a seal
> in there that you can`t replace that leaks gas?
My experience (with my TR3) has been that some replacement diaphragms
are bad, right out of the box. Apparently they get old, just laying on
the shelf. Plus, I know that modern gasoline (at least what they sell
in CA) will eat older fuel lines, perhaps the same thing applies to
older fuel pump diaphragms.
I've also heard that some of the 6-cyl replacement pumps don't fit right
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