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>I took the TR6 to Breckinridge on a Trailer. Once there I drove it 360
or so.
Today, back in Ohio and good air, I took it out for a run and noticed the
pressure was down. Upon checking the oil I found the level was way high
it smelled like gas! I drained the sump and about a gallon and a half of
and gas came out! Any clue as to what the heck happened? The Six was
running Semi OK up there but was way down on power. The plugs were a
black but not too bad. Could the lack of good air up there cause gas to
down the cylinders into the Sump? Or do I have another mysterious problem?
Nice car!
Perhaps it was the clean, fresh air up there got to the dighram in the fuel
pump causing it to develop a leak. I think that is what happened to my
TR8. It started running really rich at idle up there. I blamed it on the
altitude but when it still did it in Kansas City I suspected something
else. Like a leaky float but after pulling the carbs I must rule that out.
Anyway, back to your problem. Quite frankly I think it's coincidence and I
would start with the fuel pump. Then perhaps dirt in the carbs holding the
needle valves open a bit.
The pressure change should not have forced gas from the tank into the
engine since the tank is ventilated via the charcoal canister and the
pressure should equalize as you decended.
Was the tank full? The fuel level in a full tank is above the carbs and if
the float valves were not closing off completely fuel will run (trickle)
out of the jet, down the intake manifold into a cylinder and past the rings
into the sump. Perhaps your wonderfull example of an unrestored TR6 is due
for a carb rebuild.
Just a guess.
Good luck
Dave Massey
71 TR6 (no show winner)
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