On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 BPAULTR3@aol.com wrote:
> Having spend some time in fairly intense conversation with the underside of
> the 59 TR3, particularly in the area of the clutch slave, I had a couple of
> questions.
Don't know about this, but there may have been a variation in the interior
diameter of the slave.
> 1. There are only 2 slaves used throughout the TR2 through TR 4A production,
> the early, short Lockheed unit and the later and more plentiful Girling
> #313440. Correct?
> 2. Whatever I can find showing illustration of installation shows the early
> slave mounted through the support bracket on the back side (back of car) of
> the bracket and the Girling unit bolting on the front of the bracket. The
> bracket appears to be the same and attaches to the trany the same. Correct?
Yes, for the Girling.
> 3. Is the stay rod for the purpose of supporting the bracket and preventing
> it breaking out at the aluminum bellhousing only or might it serve as an
> adjustment possibility on the alignment of the Girling unit?
To remove the Girling slave, you must remove the mounting bracket, and the
stay rod. You can leave the stay attached to the engine/oilpan, but if
you remove it, make sure that you keep the spacer that goes between the
stayrod and the engine/oilpan. The stayrod is only for reinforcement, not
However, this stayrod provides a third point of mounting for the bracket,
and when reinstalling the slave, use the stayrod/bracket mounting to make
sure the operating rod runs basically colinear with the axis of the
clyinder bore.
> 4. There are 3 holes on the clutch operating shaft actuating lever into
> which the fork end of the slave push rod might attach. Is it the opinion of
> anyone that these holes are for possible adjustment of alignment of the
> slave?
This is a simple lever arm. Hole uppermost gives a short/heavy clutch,
furtherest out, a longer, softer clutch.
> The failed slave I removed had worn extensively on one side of the bore due
> to a severe misalignment of the centerline of the push rod and the piston.
> On reinstallation I attempted to correct this. The supporting bracket is
> not bent and the attachment points at the bell housing are ok. The tranny is
> rebuilt with a new clutch operating shaft. I ended up shimming out one of
> the mounting bolts on the barrel of the cylinder to correct the misalignment.
> I tried fooling with the stayrod but it had little effect due to the
> rigidity of the bracket, besides it moved the slave in only one direction,
> the wrong one.. The only hole which the pushrod even approached alignment
> was the bottom hole of the three holes on the actuating rod.
> Anyone have any info or relevant experience on the alignment of the slave to
> the clutch operating fork? Seems like there ought to be a better way than
> shimming, but I can't determine what.
> Bob Paul
> Corrales NM
> 59 TR3
> 55 TR2
> 36 F2 Morgan Three Wheeler
James A. Ruffner