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THANKS, was: I have a bone to chew...

Subject: THANKS, was: I have a bone to chew...
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 09:25:59 -0400

Many thanks for the responses.  Responses like these are what makes the list
very valuable to me.

My first action will be to try to find a shop that can rebalance my driveshaft
here in the Detroit area.  I am not overly optimistic on finding one.  Half a
year ago I tried to find a shop to shorten a front drive shaft on an import 4x4
and was not able to find a source.  Ended up taking the shaft to my employer's
proto shop and turning it down on a lathe and rewelding during my lunch hour.
If any listers know of a shop in the region please e-mail me direct.

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  • THANKS, was: I have a bone to chew..., Aribert_Neumann <=