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More on VTR 99

Subject: More on VTR 99
From: Kenneth Streeter <>
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 11:43:55 -0400
I've been so glad to see all of the comments saying
what a great time everybody had at VTR 99!  Then again,
how could it be possible to get 637 Triumphs enthusiasts
in one place with 314 cars (335 registrants) and NOT
have a great time?!?

I'm so glad that people enjoyed the week -- from my
perspective it seemed to go by much too fast.  Most of
my time was spent nestled away in the registration room
either greeting registrants, fielding questions from
all fronts, tallying results, and simply trying to stay
one step ahead of having everything ready for the next
event.  But, it was a great time -- besides, being just
one step ahead of impending disaster is what driving a
Triumph is all about, isn't it?  :-) :-)

But in between all of the work, there were dozens and
dozens of moments talking to Triumph enthusiasts that
built memories to last for a lifetime.... Having new face
after new face walk in to registration, but finding that I
already knew a lot of the names from messages on this list...
Happening to be walking by just as Fred Thomas pulled in to
the Holiday Inn from his trip, and getting to chat for a
few moments which were abruptly ended by a New England
Sea Gull greeting Fred and passenger side door, hardtop,
and bonnet as only a sea gull can....  Being stressed
over needing to be in two places at once during the TSD
drivers/navigators meeting, and having Henry Frye step
up and be willing to take over what I was doing....  
Driving in the autocross doing my best to catch up to
Bob Bownes but never quite making it (but I did get a 3rd
place trophy in the Stock TR6 class -- the largest class
in the autocross).... Pulling over during the convoy to
the Portland Head Light to stop and take pictures of the
Triumphs driving by through the fog, and seeing happy face
after happy face smile and wave....  Getting to see my sons
smiles when they collected awards for 3rd place in the model
contest and for 3rd place in the TSD (with Garry Altwasser of
Ontario, who owns the TR3A w/the racing stripe featured in the
recent Grassroots motorsports)....  Hearing Mary Wood's
speech about how much support the Triumph community gave her
throughout the months after Bill's tragic accident... Being able
to see the emotion and astonishment on Joe Worsley's face as he
heard that he had won the Dennis Riley / Bill Wood memorial
award....  Saying goodbyes to everybody on Saturday night / Sunday
morning.... and lastly, driving away from the Holiday Inn
Sunday afternoon, seeing Spring Street completely empty except
for two Triumphs -- mine, and Bob Lang's TR6 waiting for his
return to drive the last Triumph home....

Memories to last a lifetime...  and hopefully to be joined
by more next year, Lord willing.

See you in the other Portland in 2000!

VTR 99 Registrar & WWW Maintainer --

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