Hi all... My trans failed... and while removing the trans... I
discovered that my rear end is pretty shot too. All this doesn't
surprise me... as the car had sat for 20 years before I threw it
together ... and these are two items that I just cleaned up and put new
oil in... and went for it... they worked fine for 16,000 miles or
so... but... it's time for rebuilding, etc.
What I need is a TR 4A solid axle (rear end plus hubs, etc.)...
preferably one in the Southern California area or, perhaps, up near San
Francisco area, etc. ...but I'll look at all...
I could trade a very good body panel... i.e. a rear fender, door, etc...
that are practically rust free.
Otherwise... I will consider a purchase.
Prefer one that is not pitted to hell from eastern salt applications.
Let me know! Thanks.
Los Angeles