No worries, all solenoids geat up when you keep cranking. Starters draw a
lot of zots. Don't do it for too long, otherwise the geat will garm the
Peter C
At 06:11 PM 12/22/98 -0500, wrote:
>Hi List:
> In the midst of a frame off and got to thinking of the engine that had
>not been turned over in six years so I treated the valve guides and ccylinder
>walls to a generous portion of Marvel Oil, hooked up the battery to the
>starter solenoid (plugs out and everything disconntected) and pressed the
>button, I got a spark but turned the engine over, the solenoid geated up so I
>ceased. I am side of the solenoid goes to the starter and the
>other to the battery(the voltage regulator was not conntected. Any input.
>Bob Roberts
>TR$ 35411CT
Peter Caldwell
MGC-GT , 100-4, '31 MM8 Cammy, Innocenti S,
'52 Champ, '60 L-R 109 SW, 3 '64-73 L-R 88's
Contact for: The Columbia County Bonspiel
Curling on 13 sheets at 5 clubs in WI
Feb. 5 - 7 1999