> I just got my copy of the NEW Bill Piggott book on TR4-6. IT IS
> EXCELLENT. In a few pages, I picked up tips from photos not contained in
> the first book pertaining to the interior and engine bay of my TR4.
> Highly recommend both if you are doing a restoration on any of these
> cars.
> Also: I looked into Amazon.com, the book they show is the FIRST one, not
> this current one.
And they list him as Piggot (I think - anyways, it's misspelled) on the new
TR2/3/3A book. I *KNOW* they've lost at least two sales because of that
I bought two copies from Barnes & Nobles and a third (autographed) from the
publisher in England (Thru TR Register Membership).
And, you're right. The TR4-6 book is awesome, heck, both books are very
nice references.
Phil Pattengale
54 TR2 - TS1440-LO {project #1}
56 TR3 - TS13872-L {project #2}