I just joined this group and am glad to see lots of folks afflicted with
the same illness as me... Triumph-itis.
Recently started the 2nd restoration of '62 TR4 (same car, almost 25
years ago).
In answer to Malcolm Walker, lot's of folks put TR6 wheels on TR4's for
racing (the steels wheels needed reinforcing for serious racing.) I'd
suggest checking that nothing rubs with the wheels turned lock to lock,
adjusting the stop behind the vertical link (a little cam on a small
bolt) if needed. But I doubt you'll have any problem.
My car has had 14 x 7 chrome wheels for about 30 years. It was an old
autocrosser when I bought it. Talk about wheel rub problems! One of the
first orders of business was to get some new shoes... Panasport 15x5.5
are on order right now. I have exactly one steel TR4 15" wheel with the
factory original Goodyear Grand Prix as a spare.
I would appreciate any suggestions from the group on tire selection. I
will be running a very stiff suspension.
Also, does anyone out there have a decent TR4 steering pinion (Moss
#667-130) or know of a good source? (I've checked Moss. Brit Vic has one
rack coming in with my name on it, but no pinion. BP Northwest and
several other of the main sources can't help.) As an alternative, has
anyone substituted a pinion from another TR model? I've heard rumor that
a Spitfire pinion was sometimes used as a racing modification, but have
no details.
I am interested in any TR4 race prep information or photos anyone might
have from the "Group 44" era.
Lastly, I'm trying to track down an old friend, who I introduced to TR's
quite a few years ago. His name is Dave Adair. Last location was Irving
Texas (I think)... at that time he was up to: one TR2, two TR3s a TR4 or
4A (or two) and a 250 or TR5. Maybe someone out there knows him or has
noticed his garage!
In advance, thanx. I look forward to participating. After only a month
on this restoration (suspension, steering & brakes first), I'm sure I'll
have lots of other questions and probably a few parts searches.
Alan Myers
San Jose, CA