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RE: TR6 Mains (long)

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: RE: TR6 Mains (long)
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 13:08:44 +0100
Depending on what type of bearing shells you have had in there before,
I'd say you are alright with std bearings. If the crank is hardened you
can use vanderwalls, if not, stick with std.
> ----------
> From:         Martin Libhart[]
> Reply To:     Martin Libhart
> Sent:         Monday, July 06, 1998 4:09 AM
> To:
> Subject:      TR6 Mains (long)
> Just finished a most productive couple of days laying under the TR6.
> Replaced the main bearing shells, thrust washers, and oil pump.  I
> also
> installed one of the Mocal adapters and a spin-on filter.  Incredible
> difference - oil pressure now!!!!!!!!  To those who need to do this -
> but have dreaded it as I did - all went without a problem due, I
> believe, to preparation!  If you can believe it, I did not have one
> leak
> upon starting and driving after the work was completed.
> Now for a couple of comments/questions...
> 1.  After much research, I finally decided to pass up a quicker source
> for my bearing shells and order from the "fellas in Pennsylvania",
> after
> reading about the Vandervell Bearings they carry - and reasons why.
> After paying for 2nd day air, the package arrives and you guessed it -
> they weren't Vandervell bearings!  So much for that one...

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