When I relocated to Denver from Albuquerque a couple of
years ago, the GT6 and a Mercedes Benz project car were
the last thing loaded onto the back of the moving van.
They nailed wood blocks in front of the wheels (I nearly
cried when I saw what they were doing to that beautiful
oak floor) and secured the cars with chains, boomers & jacks.
Both arrived in good order but the smell of gasoline was
enough to knock you over when they opened the doors.
Apparently the gas sloshing around in the tanks evaporated
and escaped through the tank vents. If I was doing this
again, I would drain the tanks and fasten a one gallon
can with a hose from the fuel pump stuck in it inside the
engine compartment, removing it during shipping. Disconnecting
the battery would also be a wise idea.
If you need to ship a car, you might check with one of the
larger moving companies or trucking firms and ask if they
have a partial load that could be filled up with your car.
They hate running with empty space in their trailers.
Dave Fain