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Smog (was SB-42)

To: list <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Smog (was SB-42)
From: David Massey <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 1997 01:01:59 -0400
Derek Evans wrote:
hi all,
living in australia, it's not really for me to comment  specifically on
there is a point hovever that i rarely see raised when the      discussion
older vehicles and their 'extra' air pollution is brought up.
if you put and old car in the crusher (or worse, let it rust    away) and
buy a new one, many megawatt hours of energy are expended by the
factories involved in its production.  
adelaide (we want our grand prix back)

-------------------------------------- end snip (edited for brevity)

The numbers I heard (and I forget where I heard them) is that the amount of
energy used to produce a car is approximately equal to the amount of energy
it will use in its lifetime.  

Sort of makes the effort to replace the older - less efficient cars with
newer -more fuel efficient ones seem rather ludicrous, doesn't it?

Dave in Santa Clara for 1 more week then random locations thoughout the USA

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