Hi Roger,
You US guys really don't know, that we bought you up, do ya??<g>
Well, you are partly right
We europeans (ok, brits too), have to buy on your market, because nearly every
car sold here, is rusted away!
Add., if you take the average over the TR-range cars, more than 10times the UK
sold cars were sold on the US market!!!
My TR4 is RHD from 62 and it must have been somewhere in a deep sump for many
years... As I bought it, the $ was quite expensive, therefore I took that rusty
old sucker.
I stopped the calculation on used parts or work some years ago..., but I'm
pretty shure am over 30kDM /1,6=$ ..... and this LBC is still not that what is
called a nice car!
So, if I would buy another LBC, I'd look for the following:
- nearly rust free (smale holes in the bottom are ok for pre 65's)
- no damage to chassis and frame(i.e. no crashtests made)
- running engine and trans(whatever this means)
- with small changes/repairs (brakes, suspension, lights) the car should be
to pass german MOT
Some things, that are'nt essential:
- paint
- interior
- wheels
- mechanical wear
For such a car I would pay around 10kDM ~ 6-7k$!
I think everyone will agree, that such a car will be a fine base for a complete
restoration and probably the cheapest way.
Can't answer your question on how some guys make their money, and
I'm no dealer, but as they say:
Money is made during purchase not during sale!
>>>How does an Illinois car get over there?<<<
You can find cars from every state here, I even found a hawaian drivers licence
in the seat of a TR4a, surprising, hey..!
>>>They don't seem to be interested in nice running cars<<<
If we were, we would buy BMW or somthing completly different and not these
buggers with engines out of the 19th century. :)
>>>The dollars in this deal just don't add up. These guys shipping drugs
in the cars or something I'm missing $$$ wise?<<<
I've never heard, shipping the TR's via South America (Columbia)
>>>>If you're paying $10k for junkers, I own 10 TR6's, I'll pick up 2 more
and send you 2 containers full. Keep 1/2 the money yourself, I'll even
fly over and help...<<<<<<
Let's try it out.:-]
Many germans went themselves over for a holidaytrip and tried to make a good
deal, but IMO most of them made bad experiences >> to less time forced them to
take cars from dealers that made a good cosmetic facelifting ...
My point of view in the moment is, the TR range is not a real collectors item
(lowpriced and prices won't rise over a certain point), the oldtimer-wave
to decrease and the big point, the economic growth , at least, stagnates.
The people don't spend their money so easy on expensive freetime items.
I suppose, I'm one of the four or five guys, that use the TR every day...
That'll mean the market is stagnating, I wouldn't wonder to export TR's someday
to your side!
Peter Juergens -- - - / <> \ __,@_\____
PiJay@t-online.de - --- '--0--'~~'--0-----0->
�62 TR4 daily