Philip E. Barnes writes:
>As an active competitor in SCCA racing, I can tell you that for competition
>it is recommended that belts be replaced every 3-5 years. The Nylon is
>strongly effected by UV and losses its strength. At this point in their
>life, your belts would be nearly useless in a crash. I don't want to be an
>alarmist, but these are the facts. I have installed the 3-point inertia
>reel belts (Securon) in my car and find them very convenient. You will have
>to mount the reel on the wheel house which requires drilling a hole and
>fitting a backing plate, but other than that, a straight-forward
>installation. I recommend it.
What _are_ the options for 3-point belts for early TR6's? (1970)
I have stock lap belts, and I feel quite aware that in a significant accident
my tall upper body is likely to become better acquainted with the windshield
and it's frame (even worse).
I put in a backorder for remanufactuered TR6 3-pt belts with TRF when
they mentioned they were working on it (with other TR6 suppliers, I think) -
but they need a couple of hundred orders before it becomes reasonable to do.
I'd be happy with non-retracting 3-pt belts. Retracting belts are
nicer, though I worry about mounting in a pre-retracting-3-pt TR6. Someone
mentioned MOSS has them (though they require a new hole drilled - does this
apply to early '6's too? Do they fit early '6's at all?)
I don't care that much about originality - though I'd prefer they
didn't look out of place, or require major mods.
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
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