>>I'd like to confirm is this. On the inside there is ONE only tab. It is
>>about 1/4" long and 1/8" wide siting on a mounting bracket of sorts. Is
>Okay, there is supposed to be a little tab as you describe. This tab fits
>into what looks like two half arrows sitting side by side. Not real easy
>to get the tab in.
> First, the headlight ring has to be hooked on the lip of the headlight
>bucket at the top and then the tab inserted in the clip by pushing
>straight in on the bottom of the ring.
Yep, been there, done that AND ran over my NEW headlight ring the next day!
Tony, you won't believe this will work, but after Bob Kramer (hctcbob@aol.com)
quit laughing at the crushed brand new ring, he explained the correct method:
"you shall place the tab into the arrows first, lift/push/clip"
Too simple...
Roger G. Bolick, rgb@exact.com, (512) 794-9567, FAX 345-2879