Long time no see for me on the list. There were too many things that kept
me busy, especially my Spitfire but that is another story that I will
write another time, just because it's more a suspense fairy tale and it
needs more time to put it into well written words.
For today I have the following problem: I'd like to equip my Spit's 1500
engine with an oil cooler, as it does not have one and I want to make sure
that it doesn't suffer as I plan to start an extensive road trip in a
couple of weeks. My inquiries about the $$$ of a kit and a 13 row cooler
led to the conclusion that Victoria British has the best price for the
product: $89.95 for the cooler and $69.95 for the kit. I did not only call
all larger parts companies like VicBrit, Moss, Motor Head and Special
Interest Car Parts (-> they actually have a whole page in their catalog
dedicated to a cooler, that they never sold and never will sell!) but I
also tried the Seattle area. No luck there. Only one shop came close but
is still more expensive than VicBrit.
Does anyone know a shop or a company that offers the same thing for less?
Did anyone and an oil cooler to a 1500 engine? Are their any hints? For
example: where did you mount the cooler? Is any additional hardware
Lemme know...