In a message dated 96-06-09 15:35:48 EDT, 103136.3056@CompuServe.COM (John
Bertsche) writes:
>1) I need to replace the windshield in my TR6. The procedure reads like it's
>easy, which always makes me worry. Is there anything I should know before I
>start, and about how long should I figure it will take? Also, besides the
>windshield, what other parts do I need?
Follow the procedure in the manual calling for a cord to be placed into the
rubber channel prior to setting the windshield into the bottom of the
channel. Use a strong piece of cable-cord, like mason's twine -- nylon,
preferably (slips well and is strong). The procedure works great. Make sure
the paint is good and there's no rust -- even a little rust now can easily
become a leaky rust hole later !
Unless your glass is good, the metal clip which joins the ends of the plastic
lock strip (at the bottom center of the windshield) is about the only piece
you can count on reusing !! Replace the rubber unless yours is really live
and seems new. The rubber seal is a source of leaks otherwise, and will
shrink and crack in time, if you even succeed in getting the windshield into
an old, dry rubber channel. The vacuum-metallized plastic locking strip
tends to shrink over time (mine on my 1971 TR-6 shrunk about 1/2" in 1971 !!.
This is usually a good thing to replace for appearance, and you may well
break the old one removing it anyway.
Should take 1/2 hour to install -- removal depends upon how fossilized the
old rubber strip is, whether you have any rust repair to do, etc. YMMV...
Good luck