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Re: RHD '66 TR4A

To: Scions of Stanpart <>
Subject: Re: RHD '66 TR4A
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 16:26:39 -0900 (PDT)
On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Marcus Tooze wrote:

> Nope. A 1966 car is exempt from all standards because there were no
> standards in US for anything then (Apart from in CA, there are smog test for
> '64 and above, no?).
> You can import a pre-'67 car from anywhere in the world by any manufacturer
> and you are safe from all the safety crap. It says so in my
> US Customs import handbook for the U.S.
> Furthermore, it sounds  like the car already has a CA or other state title,
> so it's already been regeistered for american hassles.

I think you're probably right, so far as U.S. standards go. But some
states, such as New York, did have standards that preceded those for the
U.S. For example, New York, for 1966 cars, did require 4-way (hazard)
flashers, as well as front seat belts. I'm not sure about NYS's standard
for glass, except that safety glass of some sort has been required here
since about 1928 or so.

I honestly don't know if a car not originally built for sale in New York
would be exempt; most likely it would. But, as they say here in NY about
the lottery: "Hey, you never know...." Any NYS V&T code specialists on
the list? 

Andy Mace

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