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Flags The Saga Continues

To: Team Thicko <>
Subject: Flags The Saga Continues
From: Lena <>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 02:54:33 -0700 (PDT)

WHITE: Well now shit!...they have to go get the guy who spun out, 

blew his engine and ran out of gas (because his crew screw forgot to 

fill the tank with cam 2) and now Billy Bob and his friend Ted are out on 

the track with their tow truck. Don’t hit this dude but go ahead and 

keep racing anyway

RED: Holy shit, stop!....the guy who was looking at Boobie Jo’s tits 

hanging out over the fence while she was taking pictures,just hit Billy Bob’s 

4 ton tow truck with his 1k lb Porche because he 

was distracted.  And he’s rolled the car over on its back like a turtle. If he 
didn’t catch on fire, he will probably be ball-less from the seatbelts. 

So, you’ve gotta pull over and stop and hope the car dosn’t overheat from 

sitting without a cool off lap.  Otherwise Billy Bob will be coming to get you 

too, and now he's pissed because his shiny new red tow truck has a Porche 

insignia imbedded in it.

BLUE WITH YELLOW STRIPE: The guy with the $200K Ferrari is just a tad 

faster than your $10k Sprite, and in about 3 seconds is going to be putting 

a 400 horsepower engine up your ass if you don’t watch 

guy will end up like the Porche if he isn’t careful because its HIS 

responsibility to 

not have an accident just because his ego is bigger than his 

car.  Besides,.your Sprite is just about as fast in the upcoming corner anyway 

so he's going to have to wait a sec for you to drive your line and point 

him around ..(‘So there Mr. ego in you Ferrari!")

BLACK: OK, so you were an asshole at the green flag and now you gotta 

come in and get your hand slapped,..or maybe you got hyper and went off 

track and they just want to look under your car for the corner worker you just 

hit..(his leg is caught around your exhaust pipe)

furled flag pointed at you...OK, I saw you try and ram that big Ferrari 

up that poor little Sprite’s ass, and if you do it again were gonna have 

a little chat!

BLACK WITH RED CIRCLE: Also known as the Meatball flag:Hey, Dickhead do 

you know that you have been trailing oil all over the track for the 

last half a lap?..That smoke coming from under your car is a fire and all 

the guys who slipped in the oil you just laid down are gonna kick your 

ass unless you come in and fix it right now.


Finished!..(what so soon?..I wanna go again!)! "Well that was a great orgasm, 

you say to your car. Now its time to cool her down for a lap, grab a 

brew and tell some lies about why you had to let 

that slower Ferrari pass you.  Then collect a hug from the crew screw who is 

just happy you are back in one piece. 

Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

WHITE: Well now shit!...they have to go get the guy who spun out, <BR><BR>blew 
his engine and ran out of gas (because his crew screw forgot to <BR><BR>fill 
the tank with cam 2) and now Billy Bob and his friend Ted are out on 
<BR><BR>the track with their tow truck. Don’t hit this dude but go ahead and 
<BR><BR>keep racing anyway<BR><BR><BR><BR>RED: Holy shit, stop!....the guy who 
was looking at Boobie Jo’s tits <BR><BR>hanging out over the fence while she 
was taking pictures,just hit Billy Bob’s <BR><BR>4 ton tow truck with his 1k lb 
Porche because he <BR><BR>was distracted.  And he’s rolled the car over on its 
back like a turtle. If he 
<BR>didn’t catch on fire, he will probably be ball-less from the seatbelts. 
<BR><BR>So, you’ve gotta pull over and stop and hope the car dosn’t overheat 
from <BR><BR>sitting without a cool off lap.&nbsp; Otherwise Billy Bob will be 
coming to get you <BR><BR>too, and now he's pissed because his shiny new red 
tow truck has a Porche <BR><BR>insignia imbedded in it.<BR><BR><BR><BR>BLUE 
WITH YELLOW STRIPE: The guy with the $200K Ferrari is just a tad <BR><BR>faster 
than your $10k Sprite, and in about 3 seconds is going to be putting <BR><BR>a 
400 horsepower engine up your ass if you don’t watch 
<BR><BR>guy will end up like the Porche if he isn’t careful because its HIS 
<BR><BR>responsibility to <BR><BR>not have an accident just because his ego is 
bigger than his <BR><BR>car.&nbsp; Besides,.your Sprite is just about as fast 
in the upcoming corner anyway <BR><BR>so he's going to have to wait a sec for 
you to drive your line and point <BR><BR>him around ..(‘So there Mr. ego in you 
Ferrari!")<BR><BR><BR><BR>BLACK: OK, so you were an asshole at the green flag 
and now you gotta <BR><BR>come in and get your hand slapped,..or maybe you got 
hyper and went off <BR><BR>track and they just want to look under your car for 
the corner worker you just <BR><BR>hit..(his leg is caught around your exhaust 
pipe)<BR><BR>furled flag pointed at you...OK, I saw you try and ram that big 
Ferrari <BR><BR>up that poor little Sprite’s ass, and if you do it again were 
gonna have <BR><BR>a little chat!<BR><BR><BR><BR>BLACK WITH RED CIRCLE: Also 
known as the Meatball flag:Hey, Dickhead do <BR><BR>you know that you have been 
trailing oil all over the track for the <BR><BR>last half a lap?..That smoke 
coming from under your car is a fire and all <BR><BR>the guys who slipped in 
the oil you just laid down are gonna kick your <BR><BR>ass unless you come in 
and fix it right now.<BR><BR><BR><BR>CHECKER: YYYYEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA! you just 
<BR><BR>Finished!..(what so soon?..I wanna go again!)! "Well that was a great 
orgasm, honey"<BR><BR>you say to your car. Now its time to cool her down for a 
lap, grab a <BR><BR>brew and tell some lies about why you had to let 
<BR><BR>that slower Ferrari pass you.&nbsp; Then collect a hug from the crew 
screw who is <BR><BR>just happy you are back in one piece. <BR><p><br><hr 
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from anywhere!

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