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RE: In the mood for love...

To: "'Wm. Severin Thompson'" <>,
Subject: RE: In the mood for love...
From: Bob Magnotti <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 14:51:43 -0400
You guys sound like you are all from Philadelphia with all the brotherly
love crap I read into this, can't wait to meet up with you guys soon.


        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Wm. Severin Thompson []
        Sent:   Friday, June 09, 2000 2:23 PM
        To:     Thickos
        Subject:        In the mood for love...

        Thickos one and all,

        See what kind of abuse your esteemed Flounder puts up with behind
        scenes? Read Gary's mail to me below...

        Here, the original "cheatin' dog" Gary "Black Bart, the old fart"
        is pussing out on Blackhawk (maybe because you actually have to step
on the
        gas, turn and use the brakes all in one lap?) and what does he do?
        me with a can-o-whupass on Oct? That's some weak duty shit, Gar.
        knows that the annual defeat you suffer at IRP is enough to put you
into a
        tail-spinning Wisconsin winter long funk. If you indeed are Mr.
Light in his
        Loafer's No Show for BH, we will attempt to burn your likeness in
        that is.. contingent upon finding some long thin Weeping Willow
        suitable to be wired together in a lifelike facsimile of you. (ought
to be a
        2 second burn, you lightweight pantload you...)

        Speaking of "cheatin dogs"... perspiring minds want to know...

        Will Jon bring that flared fender cheater orange rolling abortion
this year?
        Is it true that Paul (formerly known as "the Counselor" now duly
renamed as
        "Otis C." ...not only the striking physical likeness to the Mayberry
        citizen... but carrying around the wine bottle around the tent at
IRP sealed
        his fate),  Fitzsimmons will once again join the "cheatin dog" ranks
with a
        1275? Is Gerry (the Scoutmaster... charged, never convicted) Brazil
        off in a maximum security prison for repeat offenders? Will Chris
        ever have a car that runs the whole season... and what should his
        be? Will Gary (the Grenade) go for 2 races in a row where the parts
        the motor stay inside? Will Matty (Guitar) Primack have newfound
speed and a
        lighter wallet with his Donato prepared Sprite? Will Roger (Lonely
        Heil continue his assault on Group 8? Will Craig "Eddie Haskell"
Bielat be
        the same driver with his new eyeglasses, or will it be the carpal
        syndrome from surfin' all the porn on the net with his newfound
        connection that's his undoing? Will  Dr. Dreadful find suitable
child care?
        Will VSCDA be pissed because more people are at our party than
theirs? Will
        their be (read... monsoons here.) a dry spot to park? Will Bill
        /Leadbelly) Dalton ever play a chord... and having said that again,
will the
        Flounder pass tech? Will ThickoCrew Don Thompson show up with his
        stable of early 60's restored  vintage go karts on display?

        Answers to these stories and more next weekend  at the Blackhawk
        Classic (with vintage planes again... yeah!!!)

        Team Thicko stickers are once again available... but since I don't
get them
        free anymore, niether do you. $5 for a pair. Also scheduled for
        are "cheatin' dog", "scared shitless", and "driver has no cash".

        (Locked, loaded, and out of town until late Thursday night...)

        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Gary Speckman <>
        To: Wm. Severin Thompson <>
        Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 7:21 AM
        Subject: Re: Fw: BHF

        > G@home, working....searchin for a life.
        > and...instead of cussin me out for not racin at BHF, you should be
        > yer fuckin blessings, Pallyboy.  Your ass is gonna be SO sore by
time Indy
        > rolls fucking fuck.

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