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[Spridgets] SKS

Subject: [Spridgets] SKS
From: derf247 at gmail.com (derf)
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 11:25:43 -0600
References: <AANLkTi=Tr4cZC_pUYGEWOZUi2sEXfjRBb72uLCb+u94Z@mail.gmail.com> <AANLkTinYiavd3D=ksFnYwrmZwvPTQdkxv+NJg08AELRc@mail.gmail.com> <AANLkTimysGonSN8Ac1n-20odGvumacTgvVAJC7FUQOnk@mail.gmail.com>
AKs in that era were as low as $199.
The goop is cosmoline, gun storage grease.  Good for preserving guns,
fun to clean up.

Chinese AKs, SKSs, and M-14s are all high quality, expensive guns.

You should have stayed away from guns and guitars and invested in
Wal*Mart and Apple and Microsoft.

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