Hi, Linda..
I am sure you can retrofit these with K&N
filters, but I am not so sure you would want
to....and I use K&N's. Have for years.
But I have seen foam filters used on racing
machines for many moons. It just could be
the filter used here is just as good, if not
superior to the K&N, in keeping very fine
grit out of the motor.
I say this because every now and then, very
fine grit would get by the K&N I used on my
45DCOE, no matter excellent maint. and the use of sealing grease, etc.
About once a year (sometimes twice)
I'd have clogged idle jets due to very fine
grit accumulating.
Maybe this filtering medium is superior
in this respect?? Most especially since these
seem to be a "quality" item.....as they contain an air horn, are "heavily"
chromed, etc.
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)