It is two operations to produce a flanged hole in sheet metal, and I
don't know of any tools to do it in one shot. You can use a knock out
punch (Chassis punch to electronic types) to produce a clean distortion
free hole, and then there are several options to flare it. Look to the
aircraft suppliers such as Aircraft Spruce for two options. One is an
expensive professional tool set of hole punches that can be reversed for
the flanging, and they also have a cheap, hand tool with rollers that
will work on a variety of hole sizes. I've never used that one but it
looks like it would take some practice to be consistent. Most of us
who've done it will custom make a punch and die on the lathe for
whatever hole size we're going to use. It could be aluminum, or even
hardwood if you not going to do too many.
Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
>Anyone know of a source for dies to punch holes in sheet metal for
>(Something that produces a nice radiused/strong hole in sheet metal)