"...it's new after 45 years!"
Well, you may get the chance to drive it
yet, and decide for yourself how quick it is
as a stoplight to stoplight application. You'll
go by me at 70-80 but I bet I can beat you
to 60!! Of course, at 135lbs, I DO have a
certain advantage, don't I? (hee,hee,hee:)
'Cause if my planned new position with GE
doesn't dovetail with a two week summer
vacation for the possible summer SOS,
the car's going down to YOUR place
next late autumn for floors, bodywork and
paint. Then you can put your mouth where
my money is!!! :):)
Of course I'll "assist" by absorbing mass
quantities of whatever you've got in the
fridge while supervising!! :):)
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog