Good point. There really isn't much of anything on a Bugeye that is worth
removing for use on one of the superior Midgets, is there? I cannot think of
a single piece of a Bugeye that I would want to put onto my Midget. OTOH, I
see a lot of Bugeye owners "improving" their steeds at the expense of
Midgets -- 1275 engines, disk brakes, ribcase transmissions, 3.90:1 diffs,
wire wheels (not much of an improvement, but there it is). Haven't seen many
Midgets get drum brakes transplanted onto their front wheels, although I did
see an RWA once that had a 948 put in (starving desperate college student).
I will cheerfully remain faithful to my RWA Midgets, thank you very much!
(Unless, of course, such a deal on a Bugeye were to hit me in the face when
my Midget has inadvertantly allowed a slight surplus of cash to
David Lieb