GOOD LUCK! and here's why! the 180 degree bends are near impossible to do
with any tubing of proper gauge to be of any assistance in case of a roll
over. now! if ya want a cosmetic thing just make it out of exhaust tubing!
but if you think for 1 minute it's going to be of any structural strength it
had better be of at least .095 wall thickness 1.5 inch I.D. with a rearward
brace from each hoop. not to mention joining the two hoops in the center
the 180 degree bends are very hard to do in any diameter or gauge tubing !
let alone in the tight bends to emulate a style you are interested in doing.
you might be able to find a race car fabricator who wil ldo the bending bit
odds are they wil lnot assemble it for you due to liability preoblems.
go to the vintage saab racing group's site and chreck out the roll bar in my
sports racer "brand X". the main hoop is a 180 gegree bend in 1.5"I.D.,
.095 wall thickness seemless tubing. that is the address for our group .
it was very difficult to find anyone to bend that stuff. then i had it
UPS'ed to me for my final fabrication of the rest of the rollbar here in my
-----Original Message-----
From bill b. <w_burrell at>
To: spridget list <>; midgetsprite group
Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:34 PM
Subject: Rollbar fabrication
>I am trying to find someone that can fabricate a roll
>bar for my '69 sprite. Really, I would like two, one
>behind each seat; the seat hugger kind like on some of
>the bmw 2 seaters, or the new Midget prototype. Does
>anyone manufacture these or do you know of anyone who
>can fabricate such?
>thanks, bill b.
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