In a message dated 05/03/2002 4:13:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
> We are thinking about putting a generator in at our shop as a replacement
> for
> grid power. We'd use the generator during normal production hours and grid
> power on nights and weekends.
> Based on our normal peak demand of about 40KW I'd assume we'd need
> somewhere
> around a 50KW diesel unit. We use an average of 4000KWHrs a month.
Couple of things to consider.
How much is the delivered price of diesel for this and how big a tank are you
Be sure you get the untaxed price of diesel for your figures as pump diesel
includes about $.34 in road tax not applicable for your use.
If you are thinking of storing diesel in a tank larger than 2-300 gallons,
there are a myrid of decisions and problems. The liability factors of
leaking, polluting, fuel storage tanks are numerous and expensive.
You will also need sophisticated controls to switch from grid to generator or
back. I wouldn't even hazard a guess of the liability issue if you let
electricity flow back into the grid and some lineman working on a "dead" line
gets zapped.
Just my top of the head thoughts.....
Robert Houston
"The 2nd amendment was never intended to allow private citizens to 'keep and
bear arms.' If it had, there would have been wording such as 'the right of
the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'"
-<A HREF="";>Ken Konecki</A>,
July 27, 1992
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