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RE: Sprite Test - Roller Rockers

To: "'Roger Cotting'" <rbc43@home.com>, "'spridgets@autox.team.net'" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Sprite Test - Roller Rockers
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 09:17:24 -0600
Roger - how much were the roller rockers?  What are 5/16-24 adjusters??
I've been rereading the Vizard part about 1.5 rockers and am thinking hard
about it.  I notice in the APT catalog that 1.5 roller rockers cost twice as
much as 1.5 non-roller rockers - what is the advantage of the rollers?

Coastie Bob
'74 Midget
'90 944S2 Cab

-----Original Message-----
From Roger Cotting [mailto:rbc43 at home.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 8:00 AM
To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Sprite Test

I took the Sprite ( topless,of course) out to test the 1.5 roller rockers I
installed. It got up to 42 in Detroit with bright sun( not common this time
year). It pulled very well and seemed to be more responsive at the high end
I got it up to 70).
I got the rockers for TS Imports, and installation was OK except that they
take 5/16-24 adjusters that I got from Winner's Circle. Adjusting them was
weird, the "feel" on the feeler gage was different with rollers than
Anyone have this experience? Anything than I can do different?
I only got two looks ( what is that crazy fellow doing in a convertible in
weather like this) and two people that wanted to know the what year it was
other info about the car. I seem to get good questions every time I take it

Roger Cotting

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