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Re: Re: Can't Win For Losing...

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Re: Can't Win For Losing...
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 14:22:13 -0700
O.K. this is now getting to border on the ridiculous.  I repaired the
oil leak from the filter mount on the right side of the engine and
started the car up to check my work.  When I looked under the car the
oil was NOT leaking, but gasoline WAS leaking from the left side!  Now
that I have fixed my oil filter leak, the mechanical fuel pump is
leaking from the seam between the two halves!  Now I have to remove the
fuel pump, disassemble it and re-assemble it after a clean-up and put
the screw back in using blue Locktite.  It's a conspiracy I tell you!
Mike MacLean Supercharged Perpetually Leaking Something 60 Sprite

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