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Water drip fix

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Water drip fix
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 16:35:09 EDT
I stumbled across something that may be as well known as McDonald's but I 
have never heard anyone suggest it or seen it printed anywhere.  My tonneau 
tends to leak along the zipper when it is in a hard rain.  Sometimes I have 
to pull the plug in the bottom of the floor tub and water streams out like a 
bathtub.  My partial fix for it is kind of dumb and obvious (Shut up Ed!), 
but it works.

I have always carried a towel in the Midget.  For myriad purposes like wiping 
the inside of the windshield, putting across my legs to catch the water 
dripping onto my leg in a rainstorm,  or wiping off the upholstry, or 
whatever. But when I park the car and zip up the tonneau, I always stretch 
the towel along the tranny tunnel under the tonneau zipper.  When it rains, 
and rain drips through the zipper, the towel soaks up and holds the majority 
of the water.  When I return to the car, I wring the towel out and hang it up 
to dry.  This works extremely well at keeping my carpets dry.  Or dryer.

--David C.

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