OMG! the band width police!! one wonderfull things about this group is
their diversity. boats, trains, planes....and the entire spectrum of
hobbies , interests and fields of employment. if you are in need of
assistance , ask. someone will attempt to help in any capacity they can!
this list is a very responsive and knowledgeable group. 948 to 1500, bugeye
to rubber bumper midget! where else can you get such diverse experience?
along with all that comes some aditional conversations. i personally
welcome the diversity. bits and pieces of local flavor , from all over the
world. beats the travel channel all to heck! btw! where else can you get
first hand travel recomendations with refrences to specific attractions and
lodging . all this wrapped up neatly with a sprite midget over tone. hey
by the way! who is keeping track of band width and for that much who cares?
and how do you know if there is a shortage or if it being wasted? a
band-o-meter? a width-ometer? and if al else fails? the ever popular
delete function solves all!
still the world's largest sprite driver.
this should stirr up some creative waste of band width to help out .