Frank, yu should love this...
I was doing the triannual preventative maintenance on the Murray 3.75 (Briggs
ans Stratton) and when I changed the oil I noticed something odd.
I've had a case of oil in the shop for a couple of years now...bought it
cheap at Pep Boys..I'm the one that insist there should be no real difference
in brands of oil or gas.
Well now I can tell you how Pep Boys beats the Mom and Pop and sell thier
cases of oil so cheap. I grabbed a bottle and unscewed the lid..and it was
only half full! I thought perhaps I had grabbed one that I had used last
yrear to top off the Murray. So When I finished dumping the pint of oil in
the mower..I grabbed anohter and dang it, it was half full too (half empty to
you pessimists)!!!
I guess I bought a case of oil in quart bottles...nothing on the case
indicated they were full...
Robert Houston...wondering if oil evaporates in the El Paso heat?????????