Possibly a 1500-1600cc MGA timing cover? My '59 MGA 1600 had a cover that
fits that description. Leaked like mad.
Regards, Glen Byrns
>Tom Speed wrote:
>> Frank,
>> I hate to disagree but the nose of the 948 and the 1275 are exactly
the > same. The use of the dampener from the 1275 is highly recommended.
>Ok, I stand corrected.
>Now I have a timing cover with a much smaller hole and a totally
>different seal, (a felt seal not rubber)...................
>I just went out and pulled the 948 pulley and installed a 1275 balancer.
>It fits fine.
>So what is this spare t/cover I have that is exactly like an A series
>timing cover but with a much smaller hole? Neither pulley fits this
>Frank, hanging his head in shame BUT coming out learning something new.
>Even if I had to prove it to myself.