My understanding of copyright is that the author holds copyright first and
anyone else including the BBS, this list or whatever holds copyright second.
If someone has written something which appears on the BBS, this list or
wherever it cannot be reproduced somewhere else without the permission of the
the writer and the first publisher.
The difficult part is proving that you originated the words in the first
place and even in UK magazines there are some writers that simply cut and
paste from technical books to produce what amounts to technical worded crap.
The other difficult part is the area of law that allows samples and quotes
and I think that the users of the list have often quoted from David Vizard's
book and this is acceptable as long as whole pages, even chapters aren't
reproduced AND credit is given to the author.
What needs to happen is for a polite question to be posed to whoever used
Frank's stuff to see if they were ignorant of copyright law or whatever -
NOT LEAST - I keep telling Frank he ought to do some writing and get paid for
it so if nothing else this wild and angry thread might produce some
encouragement in the right direction.