Well, I managed to bring Miss Maggie the 74.5 RB MGB home over the
SATURDAY: She hadn't been started in over a year. Battery was naturally
dead, so I brought a spare with me after Drill, and put it in place.
Then I pulled the plugs, shot some oil into each cylinder, and topped off
the dashpots. Turned the key to on and let the fuel pump pressurize the
system, then shut everything down without cranking it over.
The dog next door is commenting on every move I make with an annoying
high pitched whiny bark; his keeper is probably a Miata owner.
No brake pedal; no clutch pedal, either. Hmmmm. Maybe some fluid in the
MC's would help, eh? Only because they're both bone dry, you know.
Topped them both up pumped each several times, and searched underneath
the car. No leaks apparent, and nothing running down the pedals. Oh,
well, tomorrow's another day. Dog's still barking.
SUNDAY: Came back after Drill. Looked at the fluid levels in the MC's.
No change, but there is a clutch pedal now (woooo-hoooo -- gotta love a
self-bleeding clutch <G>). Brakes are pretty much non-existent. Hmmmm,
still have a handbrake, don't I? Neighbor dog is in rare form today.
Already checked, the fine for discharging a projectile inside the city is
pretty steep. Moved on, and tried to ignore him.
Pulled the choke on, and cranked her over. Nothing. No spark. Popped
the cap, and cleaned some serious corrosion off the points and other
connectors. Got back in, hit the key, and "Clatter, Clatter, Rumble,
Rattle, Boom - Boom - Boom!"
She runs -- rough -- but she runs. Kinda satisfying, thinks me.
Blew some rather large clouds of smoke and carbon initially, and scared
the hell out of the obnoxious dog. He's probably still cowering under
that bush (if the exhaust fumes didn't get him).
Haven't done anything else to Maggie as yet, but hope to get some time to
clean her up today and see what the hell else is wrong. A request for
parts will follow in a separate e-mail.
Rich (who is "... dreaming of a [greasy] Christmas ...")
Council Bluffs, Iowa
'74.5 RB MGB "Miss Maggie"
'78 Chevy Half-Ton "Waltzin' Matilda" (The LBC Support Vehicle)
'79 Midget "Miss Molly"
richard.arnold@juno.com or rdarnold@neonramp.com