Greg Mahney wrote:
> My Sprite has a "low compression" motor ie it is the wrong engine for the
> car, but it was designed to be a "low compression" version of the A-series.
> This is evidenced by the engine number which is:
> 9D-U-L-105729 (the "L" is for LOW")
> My question is What makes it "low compression". is it the type of head?,
> shorter stroke? different pistons?
> Anyone know the answer to this one?
I believe the factory had two different sets of pistons, each with a different
"dish" creating two different compression ratios.
Aftermarket folks vary pin placement in the psiton as well as amount of dish
for different compression ratios.
Once can always shave the cylinder head for more compression if you don't want
to change pistons, but, once shaved, it is forever!
Scott Meyers
60 Bugeye 1275