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Re: The time has come...

To: healeys@Autox.Team.Net, spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: The time has come...
From: b-evans@ix.netcom.com
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 10:07:06 -0700
Reply-to: b-evans@ix.netcom.com
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
In my time on these lists, I have never seen any topic to spark the
discussion and debate as did my comments on club duplication and the
simple questions I raised.  So far, I have counted at least 132 messages
posted on the public lists, as well as those I have received in private

All of this has caused me to look more closely at what is easily known
about each group, as well as the publications.  Many questions remain
unanswered in my mind.  Below is a list of questions that I believe
would be of value to members of an organization supported with their
dues.  Hopefully officers, representatives, or those closely involved
with the organizations can help all of us to better understand the two
groups. Contrary to some of the private e-mail I received, I happen to
honestly believe that public debate and discussion can only benefit
organizations such as the two Austin-Healey clubs.

Now, having posed some questions, I will be away for a few days on an
Austin-Healey related project.  I  get to go in for back surgery caused,
without a doubt, by years of bending under a Frogeye hood to work on its

(I would like to emphasize that I am squarely in the middle.  I have
never met or talked with any elected officers or appointees of either
group, let alone have any friends among the "leadership" of either

--What was the paid membership of the organization as of December 31,

--How many additional �honorary� memberships or free subscriptions did
the organization
have as of December 31, 1997?

--Has the organization made any attempt to determine how many members do
not renew
their memberships, and any reasons for non-renewal?

--How does the organization make available to interested members copies
of  its articles
and by-laws?

--How does the organization keep interested  members informed of its
annual budget
allocations and report of its year-end expenditures?

--Both organizations mail their magazine at a straight Bulk Rate.  Why
are they not mailed
at the far less expensive Non-Profit Second Class or Non-Profit Bulk

--Is the organization incorporated as non-profit?  Has it applied for,
received or been
deniedr non-profit status by the IRS or the USPS?  If no applications
have been made, why not?

--Do any officers or appointees of the organization or members of their
immediate familie
receive any salary, commission, contract, or stipend from the club or
any of its activities?

--Does the organization pay any travel or meeting-related expenses of
any officer, member, or
non-member?  If so, how much was paid for how many people in 1997?

--What was the magazine advertising revenue for 1997?

--How much complimentary or discounted advertising was provided to
operation or business?

--What �insurance� is provided to local organizations and at what cost?
How is the
is this insurance placed?  Is it done through a competitive bidding

--How is a printer for the magazine selected?  Is there a competitive
bidding process?

--How does the organization gain the views and attitudes of its

Bob Evans
Anaheim, California
Frogeyes AN 5L/762,  AN 5L/26893

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