Here Here
"R.D. Waid" wrote:
> >Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 14:15:56 EDT
> >From:
> >Subject: Arguments & people leaving the List (long, sarcastic, factual &
> >
> >Okay, my turn. And the beauty of it is: if I ignite a major thread, it
> >simply proves my point.
> (SNIP)
> >when I send this letter, there will be some who agree with
> >me, and some who snicker behind my back. And I will kiss my wife and hug my
> >kids and drive my Spitfire whether it goes 40mph or 200mph and gets 13mpg or
> >68mpg, and I'll do my job and live my life and tomorrow morning I'll long on
> >and read another 3 dozen e-mail regarding Spitfires... some of which will be
> >technical, some of which will be funny, and some of which will not interest
> >me in the least. Just like I did this morning, and yesterday, and the day
> >before.
> Bob Waid
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