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Re: Interior color choice

To: Spitfire <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Interior color choice
From: nikolai jaremka <njaremka@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 04:32:20 -0800 (PST)
my opinion?  go with the beige, or something other than black. 
perhaps get really wild and find a red interior.  i say
something other than black, because  my wife and i went on a
trip to albany, and along the way we saw on the thruway about 15
miatas.  of those 15 miatas, 12 were red with black interiors. 
and back home in east aurora, i know at least 3 more red miatas
with black interiors.  i'll agree that it looks classic, and is
very popular with most people, but that's the very reason why i
would get something else.

--- Huw Upshall <hupshall@wolfenet.com> wrote:
> Judgment question for you all.. What interior color to choose.
> I am painting one of my spitfires back to it's original
> carmine red color.
> The original interior color for this was beige.  However, my
> other spitfire
> which is BRG already has a beige interior.  I don't really
> want to have both
> cars have the same color interior so I was thinking of
> installing a black
> interior.  Anyhow, I have had several complaints from
> immediate sources.
> What do you guys think?  Install black or beige?
>  Huw Upshall            Email:
>                                home: hupshall@wolfenet.com
>                                work: hupshall@microsoft.com
>                         http:
>                                home:
> www.wolfenet.com/~hupshall
>  'Misspelled?  Impossible!  My modem is Error-Correcting!'

nikolai jaremka
72 spitfire mkIV
east aurora, new york

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