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RE: [Shotimes] My MPG Test is Working!!

To:, <>(SHOTimes)
Subject: RE: [Shotimes] My MPG Test is Working!!
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 16:14:08 +0000
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Dave Kegel" <>
> George, now that the odometer is no longer accurate, how are you
> determining the exact distance you've traveled?

I calculated the decrease in mileage the same way (using a ratio of tire 
diameters) I originally calculated the estimated reduction in RPM at 65 mph.  I 
forget the numbers now, but it was in the range of about 4.8%.  I add 5 miles 
per hundred that I drive, so that each 100 miles is actually 105.  I've 
previously confirmed that number on my work commute, which is exactly 53.7 
miles.  The current odo reading after a one way run is just over 51 miles.

The speedo conveniently read about 4.5 miles fast from the factory....Lexus has 
the largest intentional speedometer error in its class, according to something 
I read in CU or CR a few years ago....I guess so that its customers get less 
speeding tickets than beemer drivers...  ;-)   It seems to be right on the nose 
now....I haven't been able to check it yet, since CA doesn't yet have mile 
markers installed on my stretch of freeway, and we haven't been on an 
interstate highway yet in NV or OR.  We will in a couple of days, then I'll get 
the exact error.  There have been a couple of "you're speeding" radar boxes on 
our seems to be within one mpg of what they say, but I need several 
miles of marked road to get it exactly right.

I've been meaning to go out in a formation drive with Eva and the X5/G, but 
we've been too busy.

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