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Re: [Shop-talk] Organizing garage/shop

Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Organizing garage/shop
From: Richard George <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 07:47:39 -0700 (GMT-07:00)

What's the ceiling height?  If you got the height, you might look at getting a 
car stacker - these have gotten surprisingly 
cheap and can get you a lot of floor space if there is at least one of the 
vehicles you don't drive much...

I'm not sure I'd do a dedicated cart for each task, but have had good luck with 
a workbenches and some tools on casters so 
you can roll them out of the way when not being used/roll them right up to 
where you are working.  I can't help you on the
yard tools as I actually built a separate space to get them out of the "real" 
shop (I actually store the engine hoist 
out there too, but that's another story).  On the big hand tools, I've got some 
military ammo crates that seem to work pretty well for most of them - you can 
just label them and stack them up or shove 
them where you'd have trouble putting other things and you're in business...  I 
tend not to use peg board, as it seems like
a poor use of what little wall space I have (I either need the space to work or 
I want more "efficient" storage, like shelves).

Good Luck,

(Richard George)
20X28 shop...

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jorge Garcia <>
>Sent: Jul 12, 2010 2:13 PM
>Subject: [Shop-talk] Organizing garage/shop
>I've been thinking of how best to organize my garage/shop and thought you guys 
>probably had lots of experince in this area. I have a 3 car garage 33x23 and I 
>will soon have have 3 cars in it. There is a raised area on one side and the 
>back that is @ 3 ft wide. In this raised area I have my compressor, tool 
>boxes, storage cabinets and lots of other junk. I have been thinking of having 
>carts dedicated to a/c work, detailing/car wash, electrical...etc. Another 
>idea is to use peg board to hold some of the gardening tools (not too much), 
>towing straps, come-alongs, and other large hand tools that won't fit into the 
>tool chests.
>What do you guys think let me know how you've organized your shop/garage.
>Suggested annual donation  $12.96
Suggested annual donation  $12.96

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