I'm not much of a wood working guy, and wood shop seems like 100 years ago.
All this talk about table saws, makes me wonder what it is you all are
trying to cut? My dad has a Craftsman cast iron table saw that he bought
back when I born - 1948. We've used it for all kinds of jobs, but I hate
to watch him try and juggle a sheet of plywood trying to cut it in half
I haven't heard anyone talk about using a radial arm saw nor just a hand held
"skill" saw. I've used my "skill" saw with either a 2x4 or a metal L
clamped to a piece of plywood as a guide, and gotten some very nice cuts.
So their must be some things that the radial arm saw is better at than the
table saw, and vise versa? Just wonedring what the differences if useage
is between the 2 saws?
John T. Blair WA4OHZ email: jblair1948@cox.net
Va. Beach, Va (eBay id: zebra48-1)
Phone: (757) 495-8229
48 TR1800 48 #4 Midget 65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1109)
75 Bricklin SV1 (#0887) 77 Spitfire 71 Saab Sonett III
65 Rambler Classic
Morgan: www.team.net/www/morgan
Bricklin: www.bricklin.org